Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Toilet Humour

Going to the bathroom in Korea is always an adventure. You never know what kind of toilet you're going to find.

On one end of the spectrum, some toilets look very futuristic, like this one.

And this one.

While others are little more than a hole in the ground. (This is actually the cleanest one I've seen).

I had lived here for eleven months without ever having to use this particular type of toilet, but recently we were at a restaurant and this was my only option. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

There is always a little garbage can in each stall of a public washroom. It is intended for the used toilet paper. They don't flush their tp here.

And just to be cautious, it's a good idea to have a bit of toilet paper in your purse at all times. Many washrooms don't come with it. And in the ones that do have it, the roll is usually on the outside of the stalls. You need to think ahead.

It's always exciting to find a washroom that has liquid soap. Most washrooms just have a bar of soap on a stick.


Anonymous said...


Shannon Skafte said...

Seriously, a Soap on a Stick?

Umm Kinda gross...

Ruth said...

Yup, that blue thing is the soap. In my experience it's more common to find a bar of soap than liquid soap. I know, it is gross.
And in the washroom at the school, in addition to the bar of soap, there's an old dirty towel that has been there as long as we have. Now that's gross.